Pink Bouquet Mini-Bag


What’s cuter than this? This hand painted pink mini faux Chanel bag is perfect for someone who likes to keep it light. Chain link strap is perfect for those who like to the cross body feel. One of a kind, measures 5 × 7 inches. You don’t even have to go to Canal Street!

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What’s cuter than this? This hand painted pink mini faux Chanel bag is perfect for someone who likes to keep it light. Chain link strap is perfect for those who like to the cross body feel. One of a kind, measures 5 × 7 inches. You don’t even have to go to Canal Street!

What’s cuter than this? This hand painted pink mini faux Chanel bag is perfect for someone who likes to keep it light. Chain link strap is perfect for those who like to the cross body feel. One of a kind, measures 5 × 7 inches. You don’t even have to go to Canal Street!